A Pure Mattress For A Healthy Home - Sage Interiors

Unhealthy chemicals in many standard mattresses and furniture pieces may be bringing harm into your home. At TREE we have a commitment to offer eco-friendly sustainable furniture and decor to our local community. TREE serves as your portal to a new home, and a healthier, more comfortable life. Now with OMI Mattresses, we are able to guarantee the products are not only pure, but certified organic!

"Sleep is the best meditation." - Dalai Lama



TREE is excited to newly offer OMI (Organic Mattresses Inc.) mattresses online as well as displayed on our gallery floor. OMI’s values of purity and transparency not only align with ours, but they also prioritize luxury in the process. We want to help you help you design a beautiful home at reflects your unique style while ensuring you have full trust and confidence in the pieces you choose. Inviting people into your home is an intimate process requiring connection and trust. We believe the furniture pieces you choose to sleep, sit and eat on each day should maintain the same careful consideration before coming in to your home.

In 2013, OMI became the first mattress manufacturer in America to offer a fully certified organic latex mattress (they were the first to certify an innerspring mattress years earlier, in 2008). OMI is the only US-based sleep-products manufacturer committed exclusively to the production of natural and certified organic mattresses and bedding.

Each mattress and sleep product is custom made in their Eco-Factory in North California. They are committed to their pure guarantee, which ensures not only the final product is organic certified, but each piece of material that goes into their high-quality sensitive safe mattresses are also certified with various global organic standards.

As a strictly natural and organic production facility, the space demands regular audits. This transparent manufacturing process is what makes OMI mattresses so special to TREE. By hand crafting each of their items in their highly specified location (which includes an ozone sanitization air filtration system), we are able to confirm and verify these beautiful mattresses will be pure, clean and safe for the entire family through the entire process, all the way from bed to thread.

Harmful VOC Chemicals

According to Sleep Safe in a Toxic World by Walter Bader, memory-foam mattresses emit 61 volatile organic compounds (VOC) chemicals into your bedroom. These VOCs are emitted as gas from solids or liquids and they are a major concern of the EPA and state air quality boards all over the United States. In the case of most mattresses, these VOCs are from fibers, foams, adhesives, fire retardants and more. When Brader sent several memory foam mattresses for testing, some of the 61 harmful VOCs including known carcinogens like benzene and naphthalene. This exposure puts sleepers and families at risk for a variety of unanticipated health risks and reactions, especially to those who are particularly sensitive to chemical emissions.

We know this is information can be frightening, but we think it is important to educate our community. Now more than ever, we are even more honored and excited to partner with OMI and to offer our community safer and healthier mattress options. Here at TREE, we not only want to help you design a home that reflects you, but we want you to be confident with the furniture and decor you love.

August 25, 2020 — Cristiana Ventura