Local Maker: Candice Rex - Sage Interiors

Meet Candice Rex.

Washington state based abstract artist, Candice Rex, has developed her skills in Abstract Expressionism, contemporary and modern art for over twenty years. Her work is inspired by her passion for healing, growth, connection, and empathy.  

Creating art has always been a significant influence on her life. As a child and young adult, art served her in leisure to communicate and release. While these original purposes have endured, art's meaning has elevated to that of absolute necessity in her adult life. Art has provided a spiritual compass, emotional catharsis, satiated the intangible and helped smooth life's rough edges. Every piece of art she has created has also enabled her to develop herself. She invites you to join through her art as she continues her emotional, visual, and tactile exploration.

She uses her artwork to spread awareness of Dystonia, a rare neuromuscular disease that has affected her personally for the last ten years. Dystonia is a movement disorder in which a person's muscles contract uncontrollably. The contraction causes the affected body part to twist involuntarily, resulting in repetitive movements or abnormal postures. Dystonia can affect one muscle, a muscle group, or the entire body. There is currently no cure for Dystonia. Candice shows her support and graciously donates a portion of each art sale to Dystonia Research. For more information, please visit https://dystonia-foundation.org/

Read below for a Q& A with Candice Rex.

Abstract artist, Candice Rex and her mixed media piece, Rosé.

TREE: When did you begin your craft?

Candice: I have been practicing and study art since I was a child. My maternal grandmother is a portrait painter and has taught art professionally and I was always inspired by her and felt driven to create.

In my early teens, I realized art was a driving force. I began drawing and sketching and studying art history, physiology, fashion, design, etc.

As a mature teenager, I began exploring with paint; this was where I found my greatest life's passion. Since the age of 18, I have been painting and producing steadily. The process and art have changed and evolved over time, the creative drive and artistic goals and concepts steadily increasing.


TREE: Was there a pivotal moment when you saw you could do this for a living?

Candice: As a young girl, I believe my artistic journey began as a student of art, learning steps and processes through teachers, art books, studying drawings, and other art forms. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I began truly creating my own work, and was highly devoted to dance, drawing, music, and creative writing. At 18, I began painting in my home studio; after painting my very first piece, I began receiving positive feedback from friends who encouraged me. I soon began receiving independent commissions. I started working on my first collection in 1998 and had a successful show at a local Art Gallery at the age of 20, in 2000. This was where I learned, if I put in the work and challenged myself, I could truly do this for a living.

Over the years, I have pursued other career goals but always painted or sculpted. Art is my constant. Regardless of the changes and challenges I've faced in my life, creating new art has always grounded me, helped me focus, offered me a cathartic emotive outlet. I am currently focusing on abstract expressionist painting and sculpture while working towards a degree in art therapy.

TREE: How would you describe how you discovered TREE and how our lovely partnership came to fruition?

Candice: My dear friend, fellow artist, and interior design enthusiast, Ray Audrey, told me about Tacoma's flagship TREE location. She said I would love it and had only amazing things to say, she encouraged me to visit the showroom.

Synergies seemed to align as that very same week, Nicole, visionary, and founder of TREE reached out to me regarding the painting Rain via Instagram. We made an appointment for me to come in, see the space and show some of my work. I visited that same week and was so inspired by the incredible design, space, and mission. We have enjoyed working together ever since. I'm currently working on several TREE exclusive pieces inspired by the current design collection.



Several pieces by Candice can be found across our gallery floor. Visit us today and experience the beauty and depth that Candice brings to our space.

January 19, 2021 — Cristiana Ventura